
2024-01-16: I am joining Yahoo as a research scientist under the search science team. I am excited to embark on the new journey!

2023-12-22: I am delivering a series of talks at multiple research institutes in Taiwan about Green Knowledge Graph Completion and Scalable Generative Content Delivery. Come to meet and chat!

2023-11-15: As a way to give back to the community and promote diversity, I am holding AI/ML office hours every week for students interested in learning AI/ML knowledge or conducting AI/ML research to chat on exciting topics. Priority is given to the underrepresented group in engineering. Please use the link to sign up: form.

2023-10-20: I successfully defended my PhD thesis. My thesis is titled “Green Knowledge Graph Completion and Scalable Generative Content Delivery.” I am actively looking for a faculty position in Fall 2024.

2023-07-09: I will be presenting two work, GreenKGC and CompoundE, at ACL2023 in Toronto. Let’s meet and chat!

2023-05-22: Start Internship @ Yahoo! as a Research Intern in the Knowledge Graph Science team. I will be working on the entity summarization project.

2023-01-17: I pass the Ph.D. qualifying exam! I am now a Ph.D. candidate!

2022-10-28: Our research “A Multi-stage Classification Framework for Knowledge Graph Completion” will be presented in the 12th ECE research festival.

2021-10-29: Our research “Rule-Guided Knowledge Graph Completion: A Binary Classification Approach” will be presented in the 11th ECE research festival.

2021-05-20: I pass the Ph.D. screening exam!

2021-01-10: Start Ph.D. in ECE @ University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. Fight on!

2020-09-15: Invited talk “Introduction to Knowledge Graphs: Construction, Embeddings, and Applications” @ National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan.

2020-09-01: Start research assistant in Chinese Knowledge Information Processing (CKIP) lab @ Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

2019-12-18: Obtained M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.

2019-05-29: Start internship @ Taboola, Los Angeles, CA. My project is on constructing a topic link graph for content discovery from daily news.

2018-06-01: Obtained B.S. in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.